Hello World!
Hello. I am a triskaidekaphilia … a “lover of the #13”. From the Ancient Greek (τρεισκαίδεκα), where tris (τρεισ) is the #3, kai (καί) is and, deka (δεκα) is the #10. So triskaideka is #3 and #10, i.e., the #13, and philia is love. Hence davesharpe13. This blog will be musings on my life work as a programmer, mostly PostgreSQL hacks at the moment. Plus other random jetsom and flotsam as they occur to me.
I work from home for LzLabs building the Software Defined Mainframe (SDM) which is a virtual mainframe that executes on open (linux) computer systems. In particular, I am working on the (SQL) relational database LzRelational component of the SDM. The name “LzLabs” has “L” for “Linux” the open system we are building on, “z” for “zurich” our amazing head office, and “Labs” for our research driven approach. My linkedIn profile is: linkedin.com/in/sharpedave.
My home is in St. Catharines, Ontario where my wife works at Brock University as an ancient Greek historian. We are in the heart of Niagara wine region and enjoy learning about wine. We have two cats and no kids.
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